In-Clinic Euthanasia

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is never easy. Unfortunately, companion animals have lifespans that are much shorter than ours, making those painful goodbyes inevitable.

We all hope that our pets will pass away peacefully in their sleep when their time comes, but this does not usually happen. Instead, we are faced with the agonizing decision of whether to end our companion’s suffering via humane euthanasia.

At Vedder Mountain Veterinary Clinic, we understand how difficult this situation is, and our team is here for you during this difficult time. We provide compassionate in-clinic euthanasia services for pets and will help you determine whether the time is right to give your treasured companion the loving and peaceful send-off they deserve.
Old dog resting on piece of furniture
Our In-Clinic Euthanasia Services

Our In-Clinic Euthanasia Services

If you think it might be time to consider euthanasia for your pet, our compassionate team is here to assist. Determining whether the time is right is never easy, but with our assistance, you can make an informed decision with which you feel comfortable. The final choice is yours to make, but we will gladly provide our recommendations based on your pet’s condition.

During the procedure, we will give your pet a sedative to ease them into a peaceful, pain-free slumber. This also ensures that they do not experience any anxiety in their final moments. Once they are asleep and you feel ready to move forward, we will administer the euthanasia drug, which stops the heart in seconds.
Gray kitten scottish straight

In-Clinic Euthanasia in Chilliwack, BC

Trust the compassionate team at Vedder Mountain Veterinary Clinic for in-clinic euthanasia for pets in Chilliwack, Sardis, and the surrounding areas. We are here for you during this emotionally difficult time and will treat you and your pet with the love and respect you deserve. Please reach out to us to learn more or schedule an appointment.
Vedder Mountain Veterinary Clinic provides in-clinic euthanasia services for dogs and cats in Chilliwack, Sardis, and the surrounding areas.

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